
25. July 2024

Our new pipelines DeepCERES, for Cerebellum segmentation, and DeepThalamus, for Thalamus segmentation, are now available on the volbrain platform.

20. February 2024

Our article Staging of progressive supranuclear palsy-Richardson syndrome using MRI brain charts for the human lifespan is available in Brain Communications.

19. February 2024

Our new pipeline BrainStructureAges to automatically estimate biological subject’s age using a T1w brain MRI is available on the volbrain platform.

5. February 2024

Our new pipeline AssemblyNet-AD-FTD to automatically detect/predict dementia from a T1w MRI is available on the volbrain platform.

12. January 2024

Our article Brain Structure Ages - A new biomarker for multi-disease classification is available in Human Brain Mapping.

29. November 2023

The CNRS journal has published an article on our work on the lifespan neurodegeneration of the human brain in multiple sclerosis.

1. September 2023

Our new pipeline AssemblyNet-AD to automatically detect/predict Alzheimer’s Disease from a T1w MRI is available on the volbrain platform.

24. August 2023

Our article Lifespan neurodegeneration of the human brain in multiple sclerosis is published in Human Brain Mapping journal.

18. August 2023

Our article Deep grading for MRI-based differential diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and Frontotemporal dementia is available in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.

July 2023

Our new pipeline vol2brain is available on the volbrain platform.

June 2023

The new version of the volbrain platform is now online!

2. January 2023

Our article Towards better Interpretable and Generalizable AD detection using Collective Artificial Intelligence is available in Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics.

28. April 2022

Our article Structural progression of Alzheimer’s disease over decades: the MRI staging scheme is available in Brain Communications.

7. April 2022

Our article HAVAs : Alzheimer disease detection using normative and pathological lifespan models is published in Human Brain Mapping.

25. May 2015

The volbrain platform, our new free online system essential for research into neurological pathologies, developped in collaboration with UPV is now online.